Health and Fitness

5 Simple Things that Boost Workout Effectiveness

How do you maximize a workout?  Well, first you need energy to lift more, run faster, punch with more power – you need the ability to show up with intensity. Intensity is what accelerates results. So here are a few simple things you can do to help boost those energy levels in the gym!

The Fitness App Now on Samsung TVs

So many people ask me how they can stream my app workouts to their TV, and now you can because I’ve partnered with Samsung to bring my app – appropriately called The Fitness App, to the big screen on Samsung TV’s!!! Woohoo!  Now don’t worry if you don’t have a Samsung you can still do it the old-fashioned way, but…

A Balanced Life

How do you balance it all? Honest answer: badly. Yup. I said it. But it doesn’t have to be a “bad” thing. Hear me out…

So many of us are pulled in a million directions between work and family that we end up feeling frayed and depleted and in some cases, no matter how hard we work, balls drop. 

How Many Calories Do You Burn in a Day?

Contrary to the current trend, calories DO matter when it comes to weight loss, weight gain, and weight maintenance. For this reason, knowing how many calories you burn in a day is critical information when it comes to achieving your health goals.

How Much Water Should I Drink?

Water is a vital part of any diet and exercise program — not to mention life in general — because it aids every aspect of bodily functions.

More Reasons to Whittle Your Middle

While many people are concerned with how they look and feel the muffin tops and beer bellies aren’t the sexiest, the truth of belly fat is far more nefarious. Excess belly fat has been linked to diabetes, cardiovascular disease, some cancers and stress.

6 Bad Fitness Habits You Should Break

Killing it at the gym? Don't injure your body in the process. Jillian Michaels outlines the six most common fitness blunders that could be keeping you from getting the best caloric burn from your workouts.

As a fitness trainer, I've seen a lot of bad fitness habits first-hand. I can tell you that not only are they bad habits, but they're also bad choices that could affect your long-term health. If you're guilty of any one of these, it's time to make a change.